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Showing posts from August 8, 2021

Tips for Laravel Performance Optimization in

  Q: How can Redis help improve Laravel’s performance? A: Redis can be utilized for cache and sessions to provide more control over performance. It is an in-memory data structure store that can be applied as a database and cache, or even as a message broker. Q: How to test Laravel Website Performance? A: There are several website performance testing tools which you can choose as per your preference; Pingdom GTmetrix Google PageSpeed Insights WebPageTest Q: What are the different types of PHP based website optimizations? A: PHP websites can be optimized on the following 4 possible levels; Language-level:  This means you use a faster/latest version of the language to avoid specific styles of coding in the language that makes your code slow. Framework-level:  These factors as per the requirements. Infrastructure-level:  Tuning your PHP process manager, web server, database, etc. Hardware-level:  Moving to a better, faster, more powerful hardware hosting provider. T...

Script Anti CTRL+U and CTRL+C

In tis Example you need to add the jQuery given below <script src=""></script> HTML Code <h2>Script Anti CTRL+U and CTRL+C</h2> <p>Press CTRL+C or CTRL+U at this document. Ensure you have a right frame (In result frame). Thank you</p> Javascript Code shortcut = {     all_shortcuts: {},     add: function(e, t, n) {       var r = {         type: "keydown",         propagate: !1,         disable_in_input: !1,         target: document,         keycode: !1       };       if (n)         for (var i in r) "undefined" == typeof n[i] && (n[i] = r[i]);       else n = r;       r =, "string" == typeof && (r = document.getElementById(, e = e.toLowerCase(), i = funct...