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Showing posts from August 23, 2015

Finding Job Steps

What does it take to find a job? What are the steps involved? How can you   find dream jobs  that you are searching for? This post takes you through the steps that are pivotal to ensuring job hunting success. Best of Luck! Finding a Job: The First Step The first step in finding a   job  is to write a   resume   or prepare to complete a job application. Depending on the type of job you are searching for, you will need a resume, CV (curriculum vitae) and a cover letter or you will need to complete an application for employment. In most cases, you will need a resume to apply for full-time,   professional job opportunities . If you are seeking a part-time job or work in a career field like hospitality or retail, for example, you will complete an application for   employment . How to write resumes, curriculum vitae and cover letters, including samples and templates. Compete a Job Application   How to complete an employment applica...

How to negotiate the ‘salary issue’

Don’t be ashamed if you’re reading this. Negotiating your salary just means that you’re practical and down-to-earth when considering your   career   and there’s nothing wrong with that. When negotiating your salary, you need to keep a few tips in mind: Know your worth Have a comparison list with you in the interview. Write out the requirements for the job, as listed in the   advertisement . Add any extra skills you believe are important for the role. Compare what you can offer with what the company needs. Timing is important Think of the timing and importance of the things you want to negotiate, and acknowledge that some things are not negotiable. Pushing in the wrong direction will not help your cause. Look at the whole package subjectively Some companies have their hands tied when it comes to   salary , but may have a number of other benefits that will raise your overall remuneration to a figure that meets your expectations. Consider all the bene...

Let your resume ‘do the work’

I know how it feels to spend hours, or even days, creating a résumé. You pore over every word of your cover letter and agonize over what to say in your email. Then you hit ’send’ and wait…and wait…and wait. No one calls. No one writes. You don’t know if anyone even saw your résumé. When this happens, it’s easy to get dejected and worry that employers are not interested in you.   Don’t!   Remember, they haven’t met you. They have only seen your résumé and that may be the problem. An overwhelming majority of job seekers make basic mistakes with their résumés – mistakes that ensure that they will not get the interviews they deserve. If you feel as though you’re sending your résumé into a black hole, try this   ‘10 Step Program’   to diagnose problems and get your résumé working for you. 1.      Is your résumé the right length?            You may have heard that your résumé should fit on one page. This is nons...

The talking resume – What does your Résumé say about you?

Despite the fact that a resume is one of the most important documents that will ever be create for ones adult life, many people spend no more than an hour creating it! Perhaps their resumes are accurate then? Maybe their entire work history can be hastily written in an hour – all their skills, knowledge, qualifications, interests and experience! Or are they just underselling themselves? ·          Take a step back from your resume.   Think about it for a minute about what you have written. You are giving these few sheets of paper to a complete stranger and hope they will help you change your life! Sure, you know what you meant in that summary you wrote….but do they? Often, people miss out certain important aspects of their capabilities because they assume that the person reading the resume will know what they meant. But is this the case? Not always. Pretend a complete stranger handed it to you and have a think about what your resume real...

How to write a cover letter

Add the finishing touch to your resume with a cover letter Once your resume is a finished document, complete with an attractive design and comprehensive content, it’s time to add one last thing…a cover letter. While a resume is the bread and butter of who you are to a potential employer, a cover letter can be the personal touch that makes you stand out from the rest of the crowd. Second in command When preparing a cover letter, it’s important to remember that the resume is always the most important part of your application. In fact, most employers read the resume first, and then if they are still interested they will take the time to read your cover letter. So never rely on the cover letter alone to get you in the door–use it instead to give you an edge once your resume has gotten you through the first round. Get personal Always write your cover letter to the appropriate contact at the company. “To Whom It May Concern” does not cut it if you are serious about applying f...

Importance of References in your resume

Is it necessary to include References in your Resume?? The answer is “no” however it is definitely recommended that everyone have a prepared reference letter to give potential employers after they have met with them. The reason why you don’t want to include your references with every resume sent is because you only want employers to call references after they have had a chance to meet with you and you have decided that you are interested in their position. But, what is so important about a reference page? A reference page makes you look more professional, organized and serious about your job search. It ultimately helps you present yourself in the best possible light and demonstrates that you are a candidate that should be taken seriously. Not sure if we are telling the truth? Well, imagine this scenario: After many months of searching, you finally find the perfect job. You intelligently hire a   professional resume writer   to assist you with the preparation of your resu...