A keyword is a word reserved by the language for its core functionality—you cannot give a variable, function, class, or constant the same name as a keyword. Lists of keywords in PHP, which are case-insensitive.
In addition, you cannot use an identifier that is the same as a built-in PHP function.
and | $argc | $argv | as |
break | case | cfunction | class |
continue | declare | default | die |
do | E_ALL | echo | E_ERROR |
else | elseif | empty | enddeclare |
endfor | endforeach | endif | endswitch |
E_PARSE | eval | E_WARNING | exit |
extends | FALSE | for | foreach |
include | include_once | global | list |
new | not | NULL | old_function |
or | parent | PHP_OS | $PHP_SELF |
PHP_VERSION | require | require_once | |
return | static | stdClass | switch |
$this | TRUE | var | virtual |
while | xor | _ _FILE_ _ | _ _LINE_ _ |
_ _sleep | _ _wakeup | $_COOKIE | $_ENV |
$_FILES | $_GET | $_POST | $_SERVER |
In addition, you cannot use an identifier that is the same as a built-in PHP function.
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